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Missing_client_identifier,while Trying To Do Phoneauth In Android

I've been trying to do a Phone Authentication Method using Firebase Auth, I've made sure that all the steps are followed, adding my package name,adding SHA Key using keytool -lis

Solution 1:

I've determined through trial and error (annoyingly undocumented) that this happens when you have disabled the captcha request (or silent APN request) firebase uses to verify app environment, and you are trying to sign in on a non-white-listed number.

fbAuth.settings.appVerificationDisabledForTesting = YES;

^Change this back to NO and it will all work again.

Solution 2:

I also faced the same problem, it was because i tried and tested to many times using same device with my wifi network as well as mobile network. So somehow they blocked the request for this client id. As soon as i tried it in different device with different network everything was fine. While developing just whitelisting a number and provide verification code for it

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