How To Change The Android Application Icon In Worklight
I read instructions in this forum thread on how to change the application icon in Worklight, but it doesn't work. I get the following error: .../android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/a
Solution 1:
The application icon resides under the drawable folders. For example, in a Worklight project look under: yourAppName\android\native\res\drawable-*\icon.png. This is the icon you want to replace.
To replace the application icon:
- Open the nativeResources folder: yourAppName\android\nativeResource\res
- Each drawable folder in it represents a different screen density; you need to place your different icon.png files for each of the densities* you support in your application
- After you have placed the images, build and deploy
- Launch in emulator or device, you should now see the new icon
For more information about screen densities in Android, see the online documentation for it.
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