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How To Change The Android Application Icon In Worklight

I read instructions in this forum thread on how to change the application icon in Worklight, but it doesn't work. I get the following error: .../android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/a

Solution 1:

The application icon resides under the drawable folders. For example, in a Worklight project look under: yourAppName\android\native\res\drawable-*\icon.png. This is the icon you want to replace.

To replace the application icon:

  1. Open the nativeResources folder: yourAppName\android\nativeResource\res
  2. Each drawable folder in it represents a different screen density; you need to place your different icon.png files for each of the densities* you support in your application
  3. After you have placed the images, build and deploy
  4. Launch in emulator or device, you should now see the new icon

For more information about screen densities in Android, see the online documentation for it.

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