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How Implement Broadcastrecevier For Uninstall Particular Application In Device?

I want to receive Broad Cast receiver for 'when will i remove or uninstall my application in device,How to implement, Thanks

Solution 1:

there is no such broadcast. you are not notified when your application is removed

Solution 2:

See my answer to [Android] Hook some regular tasks ?.

You can be notified when an app is removed (including your own), but you cannot prevent it or alter the outcome, so depending on what you want to do with the notification, it may not be of any practical use for you.

Also, since your app is being removed asynchronously, your window of opportunity to receive the notification may be too small to do anything practical or respond in any way.

Solution 3:

You can use "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED" to broadcast the application package that has been removed.

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