Does Locationmanager:network_provider Work Without Gps Enabled?
Solution 1:
The network provider requires the permission of ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
, so it will work and provide you location updates using the WIFI networks, or Mobile networks, this may not be so accurate but is faster than getting a location update using the GPS.
Solution 2:
Yes, NETWORK_PROVIDER needs no GPS, but NETWORK_PROVIDER fetches location with low precision by wireless network site.
Solution 3:
Yes, NETWORK_PROVIDER doesn't requires GPS. Network provider access you location through Wireless network if GPS is not enabled but it is not accurate location. Enabling GPS will provide you with more accurate location results. The access coarse location and access fine location permissions in you meanifeast file differentiate it. With access coarse location you will get location without GPS but fine location can access GPS location too NETWORK_PROVIDER works with both permissions
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