Detecting 4k Uhd Screens On Android
Solution 1:
UPDATE: This has been fixed as of ExoPlayer 1.5.1 (see
I followed up with ExoPlayer's developers and found the answer:
The only way to reliably detect 4K devices is using Device.Mode
which is only available in api level 23+. See the Android M note on that here:
And the documentation for the class here:
As for ExoPlayer
it does not implement this code, as of the current version (1.4.2) but that will probably change. See:
And finally to answer the question, the right way to detect 4K right now is something like this:
* Used to check if the connected device support UHD (3840x2160)
* Note that this call will fail to identify UHD devices on api level bellow 23 (M)
* @return 1 if device is UHD, 0 otherwise
Displaydisplay= getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
PointdisplaySize= getDisplaySize(display);
return (displaySize.x >= 3840 && displaySize.y >= 2160) ? 1 : 0;
* Convenience function that forks to the different ways to obatin the Display size across Android versions
* @param display Display instance to obtain information from
* @return Point a Point describing the Display size
*/privatestatic Point getDisplaySize(Display display) {
if(Util.SDK_INT >= 23){
getDisplaySizeV23(display, displaySize);
}elseif(Util.SDK_INT >= 17) {
getDisplaySizeV17(display, displaySize);
} elseif(Util.SDK_INT >= 16) {
getDisplaySizeV16(display, displaySize);
} else {
getDisplaySizeV9(display, displaySize);
return displaySize;
@TargetApi(23)privatestaticvoidgetDisplaySizeV23(Display display, Point outSize){
Display.Mode[] modes = display.getSupportedModes();
if(modes.length > 0){
Display.Modemode= modes[0];
outSize.x = mode.getPhysicalWidth();
outSize.y = mode.getPhysicalHeight();
@TargetApi(17)privatestaticvoidgetDisplaySizeV17(Display display, Point outSize) {
@TargetApi(16)privatestaticvoidgetDisplaySizeV16(Display display, Point outSize) {
privatestaticvoidgetDisplaySizeV9(Display display, Point outSize) {
outSize.x = display.getWidth();
outSize.y = display.getHeight();
Which will give wrong results on api less than 23.
Solution 2:
Should be using DisplayCompat.getSupportedModes as the TV may be running in FHD even if it support UHD. It is possible that UHD is only enabled during video playback.
funisUhdDevice(context: Context) : Boolean {
val displayManager = DisplayManagerCompat.getInstance(context)
val defaultDisplay = displayManager.getDisplay(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY)
defaultDisplay?.let { display ->
return DisplayCompat.getSupportedModes(context, display).any { it.physicalHeight >= 2160 && it.physicalWidth >= 3840 }
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