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Can't Open Android Sdk Manager In Android Studio 1.0

I've just downloaded it and I've looked at all the other answers. Android Studio (AS) seems to load fine and I can start one of the template projects. But I cannot open the SDK Man

Solution 1:

Ok, i had this problem for hours but figured out how to fix it.

This problem is not due to Android Studio or gradle . Its just because of the updated sdk 24. No need to downgrade studio or anything. Follow simple procedure:

  • close android studio

  • Download

  • goto \sdk

  • rename 'tools' to 'tools1' (In case you need backup)

  • extract this zip to \sdk

  • it will make tools folder in \sdk

  • restart studio and errors will be gone

I saw this solution here:

Solution 2:

change the sdk\tools\lib\find_java.bat

Solution 3:

As HooKing suggested you need to change your find_java.bat file located in sdk/tools/lib folder.

This line

find /i "x86" > NUL && set arch_ext=32|| set arch_ext=64

Needs a space like this one

find /i "x86" > NUL && set arch_ext=32 || set arch_ext=64


make sure your android.bat located in sdk/tools/ has this line correct

set java_exe="%JAVA_HOME%\java.exe"

Solution 4:

There was a bug in SDK Tools 24.0.0 which makes the SDK Manager not work on some 32-bit Windows systems. When you start Android Studio 1.0.1 you get a balloon saying that Tools 24.0.1 is available; click on it, and then you can install it right from within the IDE (that doesn't use the SDK Manager to do the install). SDK Manager should now work again. If not you can download a fix for the SDK manager directly from (see the first issue)

Solution 5:

Make sure ./android sdk command works from the tools directory in the sdk. If it fails, try fixing the error. Once this starts working, SDK Manager would start working from Android Studio as well. In my case I was getting the following error "swt.jar not found in ANDROID_SWT directory. I had ANDROID_SWT path added to my home that was creating problems. Once I removed it, everything started working fine!

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