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Showing posts from June, 2023

Not Seeing Google Play Services Rev 15 In Sdk Manager (yet) For Google Cast Sdk

As per the Cast SDK Docs, to use Cast SDK in Android I need, Google Play Services Revision 15. I d… Read more Not Seeing Google Play Services Rev 15 In Sdk Manager (yet) For Google Cast Sdk

Loading Images In Gridview Using Universal Image Loader

I'm using the Universal Image Loader 1.8.6 library for loading dinamically images taken from we… Read more Loading Images In Gridview Using Universal Image Loader

Read Data From Paired Bluetooth Devices In Android

I am working on an android 4.0 application which reads data from the paired bluetooth device. I am … Read more Read Data From Paired Bluetooth Devices In Android

Is There A Point In Collecting Registration Tokens When Using Only The Gcm Topics?

I'm currently implementing Google Cloud Messaging into my app. Basically my app has categories … Read more Is There A Point In Collecting Registration Tokens When Using Only The Gcm Topics?

Fragmenttabhost Content Filling Remaining Space

I've been experimenting with tab navigation on android but I can't set up the content area … Read more Fragmenttabhost Content Filling Remaining Space

Cannot Access Activitycompatapi23 Class

I am having runtime problems with my gradle file. I added this compile '… Read more Cannot Access Activitycompatapi23 Class

Rotate Videocapture In Opencv On Android

How to rotate the camera when using class VideoCapture on OpenCV? (Sample Face Detection on Android… Read more Rotate Videocapture In Opencv On Android

How Can Resolve R In Android?

I was run the program to guess random number but in case R, their should be 'R cannot be resol… Read more How Can Resolve R In Android?

How To Fetch Jsondata In Server Through Android?

I am developing a new android application.I have all the data in server.. How I can fetch the JSON… Read more How To Fetch Jsondata In Server Through Android?

How To Refresh Recyclerview In One Fragment When Data Changed In Another Fragment

How do I refresh the data from a local database to RecyclerView when data was successfully submitte… Read more How To Refresh Recyclerview In One Fragment When Data Changed In Another Fragment

Image Attachment To A Mail.. How In Android?

i can pick a image and its path using intent. with the use of that path of an image. i have to set … Read more Image Attachment To A Mail.. How In Android?

How Can I Start / Disable Background Monitoring For Beacons At Runtime With Altbeacon Library For Android?

the AltBeacon documentation say I need to initialize the library in the Application onCreate() for … Read more How Can I Start / Disable Background Monitoring For Beacons At Runtime With Altbeacon Library For Android?

Open Activity By Clicking On The Push Notification From Parse

I want to receive a push notification from Parse and open an List activity and use intent.putextra(… Read more Open Activity By Clicking On The Push Notification From Parse

Android Button Shape Drawable Margin

Im styling a button using a shape drawable, this causes the button to over expand a little or lose … Read more Android Button Shape Drawable Margin

Canvas.drawline() Not Appearing On Bitmap

I have tried so many methods but still my code refuses to simply draw a line on the canvas. Each of… Read more Canvas.drawline() Not Appearing On Bitmap

Transactiontoolargeexception In Nougat

Exception 05-12 15:42:45.791 11043-11043/ E/UncaughtException: java.lang.RuntimeException: androi… Read more Transactiontoolargeexception In Nougat

Cannot Find Image Stored

I am currently using this code to store images (it might be wrong). The path is this: public stati… Read more Cannot Find Image Stored

I Can't Find Main.axml In Any Android Template, Nor Can I Open Other Axml Files

Edit: I also forgot to mention that I tried running Visual Studio as administrator with all the tem… Read more I Can't Find Main.axml In Any Android Template, Nor Can I Open Other Axml Files

I Want To Show Gif Image Show On Screen Even When App Is Closed

With a mouse click, you implement two things: Sound is playing The GIF image is showing I'm… Read more I Want To Show Gif Image Show On Screen Even When App Is Closed

Trouble Capturing Activity Result When Firing Intent Received From Accountmanagerfuture

I am trying to follow Authenticating to OAuth2 Services and implement the part where an Intent is i… Read more Trouble Capturing Activity Result When Firing Intent Received From Accountmanagerfuture

How Can I Run Some Code When The User Updates My App?

I would like to upgrade my app to android market and some users have the old version of the app. Wh… Read more How Can I Run Some Code When The User Updates My App?

Textview That Doesn't Show Full Text

I'm creating a simple layout with a TableLayout and TableRow, that contain two TextViews. This … Read more Textview That Doesn't Show Full Text

Restart Android Activity On Relaunch Of Application

I had 3 activities in an android application. The application will exit when I press back button in… Read more Restart Android Activity On Relaunch Of Application

How To Send The Image Captured By Intent By Whatsapp

In my android app I have activity where when user clicks a button it opens camera by using intent, … Read more How To Send The Image Captured By Intent By Whatsapp

Gradle: Resolved Versions For App And Test App Differ

When I add the dependency: compile 'net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-android:0.7.8' in my app, I g… Read more Gradle: Resolved Versions For App And Test App Differ

Tools For Rapid Layout/interface Creations?

Does anyone know of any tools (besides DroidDraw) that can help me create the basics of my projects… Read more Tools For Rapid Layout/interface Creations?

Java: Arrayadapter Geting Clicked Row Textview Value

I am trying to get value of TextView from clicked row of ArrayAdapter. I have two problems: 1. How … Read more Java: Arrayadapter Geting Clicked Row Textview Value

Get Three-letter Short Timezone Name (as Opposed To Four-letter)?

I've written an Android app that needs the short timezone name in which the handset is currentl… Read more Get Three-letter Short Timezone Name (as Opposed To Four-letter)?

How Do I Inject An Abstraction Using An Ioc Container Like Dagger 2

What I would like to do is to have an abstraction, and pass the abstraction as parameter. So that i… Read more How Do I Inject An Abstraction Using An Ioc Container Like Dagger 2

Android, When To Load User Data And Where To Store It

I recently started working on Android apps, and im having a hard time deciding what approach i shou… Read more Android, When To Load User Data And Where To Store It

How Get List Of Web Browsers In System

How can I get programmatically a list of web-browsers in system? Update: I know what manifestfile o… Read more How Get List Of Web Browsers In System

Keeping A Background Service Alive On Android

In reference to Accelerometer seems to only work for a few seconds? I'm using the BOOT_COMPLETE… Read more Keeping A Background Service Alive On Android

How To Use Method Onnewintent(intent Intent) Inside A Fragment?

I'm trying to use NFC Hardware from my device. But, the problem is that when I register the Act… Read more How To Use Method Onnewintent(intent Intent) Inside A Fragment?

Material Design Navigation Drawer Not Sliding Out

I followed this StackOverflow post's instructions and managed to get the ActionBarDrawerToggle … Read more Material Design Navigation Drawer Not Sliding Out

Gcm Alternative For Local Networks Or Sending Messages To Device Ip

I want to send notifications to some devices connected to my local network. First alternative was G… Read more Gcm Alternative For Local Networks Or Sending Messages To Device Ip

Loading Images Using Glide In Imageview

I am using Glide library for loading images in imageview and using the below code. Glide.with(mActi… Read more Loading Images Using Glide In Imageview

Facebook Sdk For Android "an Error Has Occurred With Myapp. Please Try Again Later"

I get this error all the time now for some reason when everything was working fine and posting to m… Read more Facebook Sdk For Android "an Error Has Occurred With Myapp. Please Try Again Later"

Radio Buttons Showing Only First Option Correct And The Others Showing All Wrong Data In Android

In my questions answers small game i am showing questions and answers from the database file. quest… Read more Radio Buttons Showing Only First Option Correct And The Others Showing All Wrong Data In Android

Make My Android App Work Even If The User Navigates Away From It. How Do I Do That?

My Android application does some calculations, but I noticed recently that if I were to navigate aw… Read more Make My Android App Work Even If The User Navigates Away From It. How Do I Do That?

Build Error After Migrating From Crashlytics Sdk To Fabric

Recently, we've upgraded our organization's Crashlytics account to Fabric, and I'm tryi… Read more Build Error After Migrating From Crashlytics Sdk To Fabric

How To See Network Packets In Android?

I am looking to see when and which apps are accessing the network from my Android Phone. I am looki… Read more How To See Network Packets In Android?

Widget Margins Not Applied On Ics Phone With Touchwiz Launcher?

I have an app with a widget. I know that Android 4.0 or later will automatically create a margin ar… Read more Widget Margins Not Applied On Ics Phone With Touchwiz Launcher?

Android Manifest Merge - Different Launcher Activity From Library Project

I have a library project which has the following structure : Solution 1: Change the AndroidMan… Read more Android Manifest Merge - Different Launcher Activity From Library Project

Calculating Speed For A Navigation App Without Getspeed() Method

I am developing an app which is more of a time-shift racing between your friends. I need to calcula… Read more Calculating Speed For A Navigation App Without Getspeed() Method

Sharedpreferences In Android App For Remember Me Button

Im not to sure what I'm doing wrong. In my app I'm trying to have it remember a previous pa… Read more Sharedpreferences In Android App For Remember Me Button

Could Not Find Common.jar (android.arch.core:common:1.1.0)

I've created a new project, but when it finish the first compile the new project return an erro… Read more Could Not Find Common.jar (android.arch.core:common:1.1.0)

What Do I Need Enable Or Install To Get The Annotation @runwith

I want to create a simple test with Robolectric for Android Apps using Android Studio. Ok, it is m… Read more What Do I Need Enable Or Install To Get The Annotation @runwith

Android: Listview Crashes

I'm using android listview and its working perfectly fine. my implementation as below ListView … Read more Android: Listview Crashes

Wait Till Get My Id And My Friends Id Facebook

I want to wait till i get my user name and my id, and also to wait until I get the user names and u… Read more Wait Till Get My Id And My Friends Id Facebook

How Can I Create And Start An Intent?

I was wondering how I can create and start an intent using this: 'qsrtech.posprintdriver/.print… Read more How Can I Create And Start An Intent?

Android Layout(user Interface)

Hi i want to develop a UI like image, is it possible in android,if possible , how can we do that?(i… Read more Android Layout(user Interface)

Why My Code Not Run In React-native Code In Web

I have a react-native project which is running in Android and iOS perfectly, I know that a react-na… Read more Why My Code Not Run In React-native Code In Web

Sorting Firebase Database By Timestamp Under A Key

I am new on firebase and while working, everything turns out to be great except for one tiny thing,… Read more Sorting Firebase Database By Timestamp Under A Key

Send Spoof Locations With Ddms Emulator Control To A Tablet Android Device

I want to test a GPS application I am developing in my android tablet, so I need to send to it spoo… Read more Send Spoof Locations With Ddms Emulator Control To A Tablet Android Device

How To Recover Password For Jks File Which Is Already Available In Play Store?

I have already uploaded an app in play store. I am using android studio 3 for building my applicati… Read more How To Recover Password For Jks File Which Is Already Available In Play Store?

Sample Rate In Android Audio Record Class And Mediarecord Class

i want to know what is the difference between setting audio sample rate in Android AudioRecord clas… Read more Sample Rate In Android Audio Record Class And Mediarecord Class

Uncaught Exception Thrown By Finalizer

Hi i am geting this error. i am using this code… Read more Uncaught Exception Thrown By Finalizer

No Resource Identifier Found For Attribute Adsize In Package

I am trying to add AdMob ads in my application. In the manifest I have: Copy Read more No Resource Identifier Found For Attribute Adsize In Package

Unable To Create Debug Bridge Unable To Detect Adb Version. Syntax Error: ")" Upgrading Platform-tools 23.0.1 To 23.1.0 Linux-32 Bit Causes Issue

I updated Platform-tools from 23.0.1 to 23.1.0 and found some of the Android integration broke. I… Read more Unable To Create Debug Bridge Unable To Detect Adb Version. Syntax Error: ")" Upgrading Platform-tools 23.0.1 To 23.1.0 Linux-32 Bit Causes Issue

Cordova- How To Hide Virtual Navigation Buttons On Android?

I would like to hide in my app virtual navigation button for devices which does not have analog but… Read more Cordova- How To Hide Virtual Navigation Buttons On Android?

Styling A View With A Custom Style Reference

I'm trying to style a RelativeLayout with a custom attribute appNS:style1='@style/Relative… Read more Styling A View With A Custom Style Reference

How To Create A Circular Outlined Material Button In Android?

I am trying to create a button with an icon in the center. The top and bottom part of the circle ar… Read more How To Create A Circular Outlined Material Button In Android?