Proper Implementation Of Dboperations In Async Task
Solution 1:
Yes it can be done in a better way. Let me give you an example of how we are handling it in our current app. You just need 4 AsyncTask
s in total for insert, update, delete and select operations. Let me give you an example.
You have an interface and every entity will implement it:
public interface DbOps {
public int delete(String where);
public void insert();
public void update();
public Cursor select();
NOTE: Arguments and return types will be of your choice that fits your need but must also fit for every entity class. I am going to use delete()
method as an example.
Now you need only one DeleteTask
for all entitites:
private static class DeleteTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Integer> {
private final DbOps mOps;
public RowDeleteTask(DbOps ops) {
mOps = ops;
protected Integer doInBackground(String... wheres) {
String where = wheres[0];
int rowsDeleted = mOps.delete(where);
return rowsDeleted;
Fire it like this:
new DeleteTask(mUserEntity).execute("id = 4");
new DeleteTask(mMoviesEntity).execute("name = x-man");
and obviously you will have something similar to this if we take UserEntitiy
for example:
public UserEntity implements DbOps{
public int delete(String where){
return _dbConn.delete(mTable, where, null);
Solution 2:
This isn't product placement or anything, it is open source, I have been working on Async databases for a while now, and have recently created a library for it.
It is hosted on Github at
It covers a more general need for async database usage, you can either do one thing async if you want, or the whole lot.
It will have an implementation for a entity framework in the coming months as I am working on a Ubuntu touch version at this moment.
Any info needed just ask.
For small amounts of objects entities are great, but when you want to report on them they get really slow, which is even apparent in microsofts entity framework. For the most it is usually a heck of a lot faster (performance wise) to use straight SQL in an async way as it takes out the need for that middle object.
Note, between android 1.6 and 3.0 the AsyncTask
class would execute sometimes in parallel, which would cause some problems in any database. So when using those versions you there would have to some differences, this is being worked into my DbHelper :)
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