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Passing Row Id Of A List To Another Activity

I have two activity. When the user clicks on the medicine name on the list, it will go to second activity and display the details of the medicine. For the first activity, below i

Solution 1:

In the caller activity you have: myIntent.putExtra("ID", id);

While in the opened activity instead of

i.getIntExtra("int", -1);

it should be

i.getIntExtra("ID", -1);

Notice that the name of the extra should be the same when you try to get it from the intent.

Solution 2:

in the second activity there is a problem

in the first activity 

 Intent myIntent = new Intent(v.getContext(), MedicineDetail.class);
    myIntent.putExtra("ID", position);

final int id = i.getIntExtra("int", -1); should be

final int id = i.getIntExtra("ID", -1);

Solution 3:

Edit : you are getting the long value but id returns int so it throws classcast exception

instead of this


use this


Your id is different from the rowid in the table.. Don't mess up with them, You are sending id of the position in your list. So what you need to do is

Create a Hashmap to map ids with data globally

Hashmap Idshash=new Hashmap();

Add values to the hasmap while inserting to results list

long id=c.getLong(getIndex);
String item=c.getString(getNameIndex)+" | " + c.getString(getDosageIndex)
                            +" | " + c.getString(getFrequencyIndex);

And in onitemclick listener do like this

public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) {
    String item=((TextView)v).getText();
    long selectedid=Idshash.get(item);
    Intent myIntent = new Intent(v.getContext(), MedicineDetail.class);
    myIntent.putExtra("ID", selectedid);

Solution 4:

in first actvity change the id to position. That's all.

 myIntent.putExtra("ID", position);

and in second

getIntExtra("ID", -1);


getExtra("ID", -1);

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