Fragment GetActivity Is Always Returning Null From Async Task
I have called an AsyncTask inside my fragment. I was calling getActivity() from within doInBackground of that AsyncTask, but getActivity is returning null. If I call getActivity ou
Solution 1:
Pass Activity to AsyncTask method
new Demo().execute(getActivity());
public class Demo extends AsyncTask<Activity,Void,Void>{
Activity activity=null;
protected Void doInBackground(Activity... params) {
activity=params[0]; //get the activity instance
//Do your task
return null;
Solution 2:
Both Solution will work that i am posting. Try any of them.
Solution 1 :
Try to call your AsynTask
in onActivityCreated
rather then in onCreateView
as sometimes it happens Activity instance return to be null
in onCreateView
public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// call AsynTask here, getActivity() not return null here
Solution 2 :
Get activity
instance when fragment
is attached on Activity
and then use Activity
in your AsynTask
(No need to call getActivity()).
private Activity mContext;
// called for API equal or above 23
public void onAttach(Context context) {
this.mContext = (Activity) context;
* Deprecated on API 23
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
this.mContext = activity;
// Use mContext in asyntask
Solution 3:
In your fragment add
Activity mActivity; //declare as global variable
public void onAttach(Context context) {
if (context instanceof Activity){
mActivity=(Activity) context;
then use mActivity
instead of getActivity()
in your AsyncTask
Solution 4:
It may be possible that async task is going on but fragment closed so u have pass getActivty() to AsyncTask.
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