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Crash: Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$layout

Some users of my app are experiencing this crash, it appears to possibly be related to Samsung devices. Has anyone else experienced this issue and found a solution? java.lang.NoCla

Solution 1:

I know that issue was solved but if you arrive on this thread, it could be that it doesn't solve your problem in one particular combination:

  • All works on 5.0 devices
  • It doesn't work on 4.x
  • You think you enable MultiDex
  • Proguard doesn't seem to be a problem

It happened to me and I searched for 3 hours. I hope it'll help some. To enable MultiDex on 4.x devices, it is not enough to modify the build: you have to subclass the Application class. Just follow that and that

Hope it helps.

Solution 2:

I fixed the issue by using Proguard with the following config:

-keep class !**,** {*;}

To enable Proguard with newer versions of Gradle (in Android Studio):

android {


    buildTypes {
        debug {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            shrinkResources true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
} is where the properties at the top go.

Solution 3:

If you use multidex in your application, extend your Application class from MultiDexApplication

Solution 4:

if you're using api compat support-v7, any libraries whose reference to it should be marked exclude module: 'support-v4'

for example:

compile('') { exclude module: 'support-v4' }

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