App Works Well On Windows In Python2 & Python3, But Receiving Error : Failed To Import Android, And Button Unresponsive
Solution 1:
Failed to import "android" module.
This msg has nothing to do with image. It's won't affect your project if you don't use android
module explicitly. All you need to do to avoid this line in logs is to add android
to requirements inside buildozer.spec
Error reading file .\logo_example1.png
This error indicates that image can't be found. I don't know what's problem with .\\logo_example1.png
, but it's better just to use absolute path's and forget about problems.
import os
root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
img_rel = 'logo_example1.png'
img_abs = os.path.join(root_dir, img_rel)
Problem with pressing is related to this line - Window.size = (600, 700)
. Remove it and everything will work.
Looks like changing Window.size
somehow breaks kivy touch point detection. If you want to change window size on Windows, use Config or wrap Window.size
changing with platform check.
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