Differences Between MapView, MapFrament And SupportMapFragment
Solution 1:
A View which displays a map
(with data obtained from the Google Maps service). When focused, it will capture key-presses
and touch
gestures to move the map.
Users of this class must forward all the life cycle methods from the Activity
or Fragment
containing this view to the corresponding ones in this class.
Use it if you are going to add a
into afragment
. (you need to update each lifecycle to MapView).
See Google API Documentation
A Map
component in an app. This fragment
is the simplest way to place a map
in an application. It's a wrapper around a view of a map to automatically handle the necessary life cycle needs.
Use it if you want to add a
class (not fragment because it will create a nested fragment and it´s a mess).
See Google API Documentation.
A Map
component in an app. This fragment
is the simplest way to place a map in an application. It's a wrapper around a view of a map
to automatically handle the necessary life cycle needs. Being a fragment
, this component can be added to an activity's
layout file simply
if you are targeting Android API levels below 12.
See Google API Documentation.
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