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Robospice - AddListenerIfPending - How Do I Know If Request WAS Found?

I am trying to implement a very simple case using robospice: a login screen. When login button is clicked, loading animation is shown and request is made using SpiceManager.execute

Solution 1:

Ok, in case google leads anyone here. Proper solution: in reality, this functionality is already in the library. There is a method which gets called when pending request WAS found, it just does... nothing.

You need to:

  1. Create your own interface extending PendingRequestListener:

    public interface MyPendingRequestListener<T> extends PendingRequestListener<T> {
        void onRequestAggregated();

    Note: you will need to use request listeneres implementing this interface when doing requests through Robospice.

  2. Create your own class implementing RequestListenerNotifier. I did this by copy-pasting DefaultRequestListenerNotifier (I was not able to extend it because method post(..) is private) because it contains porper notification implementation for other cases. For example, MyRequestListenerNotifier.

  3. Override method notifyListenersOfRequestAggregated:

    public <T> void notifyListenersOfRequestAggregated(final CachedSpiceRequest<T> request, Set<RequestListener<?>> listeners) {
        post(new AggregatedRunnable(listeners), request.getRequestCacheKey());
    private static class AggregatedRunnable implements Runnable {
        private final Set<RequestListener<?>> listeners;
        public AggregatedRunnable(final Set<RequestListener<?>> listeners) {
            this.listeners = listeners;
        public void run() {
            if (listeners == null) {
            Ln.v("Notifying " + listeners.size() + " listeners of request aggregated");
            synchronized (listeners) {
                for (final RequestListener<?> listener : listeners) {
                    if (listener != null && listener instanceof MyPendingRequestListener) {
                        Ln.v("Notifying %s", listener.getClass().getSimpleName());
                        ((MyPendingRequestListener<?>) listener).onRequestAggregated();
  4. Extend SpiceService and override the following method (you will need to use this customized service instead of standard robospice service):

    protected RequestListenerNotifier createRequestRequestListenerNotifier() {
        return new MyRequestListenerNotifier();

That's it. Now, when you use addListenerIfPending, onRequestAggregated() will be called when pending request IS found.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This will only work when you use Cache key when doing request. For example, you can use empty string (but NOT null) as cache key.


//doing request for the first time
spiceManager.execute(request, "", DurationInMillis.ALWAYS_EXPIRED, requestListener);
//checking if request is pending e.g. when activity is restarted
spiceManager.addListenerIfPending(responseClass, "", requestListener);

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