Pass A List From A Fragment To A Class
I have a fragment which present a list to the user, so I have inside the class extends fragment, 2 classes : one for the Holder and other for the Adapter. public class ListFragment
Solution 1:
I found the solution: Use the databse SQLite. Once you've created and implemented it you need to call it from the service of the widget (inside RemoteViewFactory) records is an Arraylist of string:
NoteBaseHelper db = new NoteBaseHelper(this.mContext);
NoteBaseHelper mDbHelper = new NoteBaseHelper(this.mContext);
NoteHolder nh = new NoteHolder(this.mContext);
records=new ArrayList<String>();
for (Note e: myListTitle){
Then you can set up your views in the method getViewAt :
public RemoteViews getViewAt(int position) {
// position will always range from 0 to getCount() - 1.
// Construct a RemoteViews item based on the app widget item XML file,
and set the
// text based on the position.
RemoteViews rv = new RemoteViews(mContext.getPackageName(),
// feed row
String data=records.get(position);
String title = myListTitle.get(position).getTitle();
String details = myListTitle.get(position).getDetails();
//Put data in the widget list
rv.setTextViewText(, data);
rv.setTextViewText(, details);
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