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How To Run Debug App Version On A 'debug' Firebase Database

in the Google I/O 2016 sessions the big improvements towards full integration of Firebase has been shown. In my apps, I'm trying to migrate to the new solution(s) but have several

Solution 1:

I am not sure that it is the best practice.

You can use different google-services.json files.
I am investiganting about the current plugin ( if it supports build types. The previous one ( supported flavors but not types.

In any case you should be able to use somenthing like this:


In this case the plugin looks in the locations and stops when it finds a google-services.json file.

In this way you should be able to use different firebase apps for debug and release.

Solution 2:

There is no need for various google-services.json files as the answer above specifies. Instead in Firebase you create a project. Each project can have multiple apps (even across different platforms).

In my case for instance I have two build types (debug and release) and two productFlavors resulting in 4 apps with different package names:

  • fullDebug:
  • fullRelease:
  • demoDebug:
  • demoRelease:

One google-services.json file covers all of these variants and should just be put into the app module of your Android Studio project.

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