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Tips For Improving OpenGL ES Fill Rate On Android

In my live wallpaper I'm drawing 3 textured quads that covers the whole screen. On Nexus One I get 40fps. I'm looking for ways to improving performance. The quads are blended on to

Solution 1:

You probably already thought of this, but just in case you didn't:

  • calling glClear at the start of your frame probably isn't necessary
  • you could do the first pass with blending disabled

Also, did you try doing it in 1 pass with a multi-texturing approach?

edit: And another thing: writing to the z-buffer is not needed, so either use a context without z-buffer, or disable depth writing with glDepthMask(GL_FALSE).

Solution 2:

glCompressedTexImage2D is available in Java (and NDK), however available compression format depends on GPU.

The AndroidManifest.xml File > supports-gl-texture

  • PowerVR SGX - Nexus S, Galaxy S/Tab, DROID - PVRTC
  • Adreno - Nexus One, EVO - ATITC
  • Tegra2 - Xoom, Atrix - S3TC

If you use these compression format and want to support various Android devices, you must prepare for many compressed textures, but the GPU native compression texture should improve rendering performance.

Solution 3:

The android opengl framework min3d is able to draw these objects or scenes at a full 60fps.

The framework is opensource and is available for download and use at:

I would recommend comparing your code to it to see what you have done wrong/differently in order to improve your performance.

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