Sphinx4 Speech Recognition Trasncribe Demo Not Working Accurately For Short Wav File
i had just implemetned the transcriber demo for the transcribe the audio file .. My audio file is .wav file which consist only names like 'BHAVIK' 'ANKIT' 'SAGAR' My grammer File C
Solution 1:
One problem I've seen throw off people using Wav files with other recognizers is that the file must be in a supported format. WAV is a generic file type that can support audio in different formats (sample size, mono/stereo, different sample rates, etc.). Recognizers aren't as flexible as media players so you have to make sure your wav file is in a format the recognizer handles.
http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/faq says:
The top reasons of the bad accuracy are:
- The mismatch of the sample rate of the incoming audio. It must be 16khz 16bit mono little-endian file. You need to fix sample rate of the source with resampling. Verify sample rate in order to test that.
If your file is not in this format, you can resample with Audacity
By the way, I was not able to play your wav file with QuickTime or with Windows Media player. What format or encoding is it in?
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