SAML Client For Android?
Solution 1:
I think OpenSAML is your best bet for handling the SAML part and then maybe HttpClient for the things you normally will do in a browser. But there will be quite som work implementing this. There is nothing lightweight about SAML.
OpenSAML is just a library helping with processing of SAML messages so it is probably good for very customised stuff like this.
Solution 2:
After some research, I ended up building it on my own. I carefully followed every redirect, and took note of every cookie created, edited or deleted (Opera, with its in-built option which allows to switch off redirects was the key). The result was a flow which then I replicated in a package ad hoc: the SetUpConnection class, whose task was connecting to the host and keeping track of the cookies. SAML class, which replicated the SAML flow, and finally the Main class, from which I can gather useful information.
Hope it helps.
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