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Ios Version Of App Works, But Android Fails Due To No Suitable Constructor Found For AccessToken For React Native App

As mentioned in the title, the Ios version of this app works fine on a physical device. However, when I try to build it on an android device, I get an error error: no suitable co

Solution 1:

I had the same issue today as well, upgrading react-native-fbsdk to 0.8.0 seems to fix it

Solution 2:

I had also that issue today and solved by modifying the package to have the last parameter - dataAccessExpirationTime.

new AccessToken(

You will see this issue in and file. So please fix both files.

Solution 3:

I had the same issue, my understanding is that react-native-fbsdk v0.7.0 had not locked the minor version of the dependency see compile '' in node_modules/react-native-fbsdk/android/. Facebook released a new version 4.38.1, previously known working version was 4.37.0. Because the minor version was not locked the newer version of was pulled down and caused breakage.

Upgrading to react-native-fbsdk v0.8.0 and changes the binary package, forcing us to do a full app update ( opposed to just a UI content updated via Code-Push ). We try to limit binary releases because they're larger and our users aren't forced to update the app.

Force resolving the version of worked for us

In the root build.gradle file add or merge the following

allprojects {
    configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy {
            force ''

Ref : This article describes some of the downsides to having dynamic dependancies. I suggest when you include a new module lock all the dynamic dependancies. This will help ensure every rebuild results in a predictable output.

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