How To Use Symbols
I have to show details in below format, and my JSON looks like this: { 'clubs':[ { 'title' : 'Bold Eyes Night Club', 'description' : '(Headi
Solution 1:
Since you have control over JSON, try to reconstruct JSON like below
"clubs": [
"title": "Bold Eyes Night Club",
"description": [
"Heading": "Why We Like It",
"Points": [
"Cook up your own food in the fully equipped kitchens.",
"Up the streets London Bridge.",
"Famous food shopping market few steps away from the door."
"Heading": "Need to Know",
"Points": [
"All rooms to fit two people.",
"18+ to book a room."
After Parsing, while setting to TextView.
mHeading.setText(data.getHeading()) // "Why We Like It",
String mPoints = ""; mPoint1 + +
for(int i = 0; i < data.getPoints().size(); i++)
mPoints = " ·" + data.getPoints().get(i) + "\n";
Or you can add symbols from your server, so you can have more control.
"clubs": [
"title": "Bold Eyes Night Club",
"description": [
"Heading": "Why We Like It",
"Points": " ·Cook up your own food in the fully equipped kitchens.\n  ·Up the streets London Bridge.\n  ·Famous food shopping market few steps away from the door."
"Heading": "Need to Know",
"Points": " ·All rooms to fit two people.\n ·18+tobookaroom."
mHeading.setText(data.getHeading()) // "Why We Like It",
mPointsTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml(mPoints)); // ·Cook up yo...
Solution 2:
You can make dots like this:
Within Layout:
<View android:layout_width="15dp"
Within drawable:
<selector xmlns:android="">
<shape android:shape="oval" >
<solid android:color="#ffaabb"/>
Solution 3:
try assci code for this
textView.setText("\u2022 this is DOT");
textView.setText("\u00B7 this is MIDDLE DOT");
textView.setText("\u000A this is new line");
Solution 4:
Android-fonts doesnt support all unicode symbols. So assign your view/control the DejaVuSans.ttf
- Font. This font supports all symbols.
Typeface unicodeFont = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "DEJAVUSANS.TTF");
Hope this helps you
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