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Gradle Error In Android Studio

What Can I Do To Fix This: org.gradle.tooling.GradleConnectionException: Could not execute build using Gradle installation C:\Users\avand\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-1.8-bin\vr

Solution 1:


I have just recently been dealing with this issue over the past hour and "think" i have resolved my issue/problem so far...

So will post here and because of other people searching for this one....

The above error is the same one i was getting

After some searching i came across various suggestions, But the problem also seemed fairly generic of the resolutions for other people as varying..

When was i experiencing this issue???

Some times i would get this error while compiling/building a project, but it would ALWAYS appear when i was trying to "Run" the project direct to a physical test device. Also a debug & release build worked fine.

The system restart and IDE restarts did work some times but after awhile it had to be another system restart... I hate doing that, i like to restart once a day at most.. The other solutions listed below did not work for me...

The issue itself also seemed to appear around the time if me installing another usb driver for a Nexus 7 and testing with that device.

Suggested solutions from Google (from my bad short term memory)

  1. Restart the Android Studio IDE / Application - rarely worked
  2. Restart the computer itself - worked most times for a limited time
  3. Perform a project rebuild - error would some times occur during this
  4. Perform a ./gradlew clean - error would some times occur during this
  5. Create a new basic / blank project - same result most times
  6. Different Android Device - table and phone did the same results
  7. Restart ADB service - did not work for me
  8. Another Dev Computer - was to lazy to test this.. to much effort install A-S
  9. Delete the projects gradle folder - this messed mine up / lucky for backups ;)
  10. Change the gradle dependency version - ""- did not work
  11. Re-install gradle inside User folder - "shown in error" - same result
  12. Re-install Android Studio - did not attempt this (yet)
  13. Different version of Android Studio - did not attempt this (yet)
  14. And what ever else i tested quickly

Have posted the above just to give people a quick list to save them from a little google keyword refinement

AND what ended up working for me so far

Restarting the PC worked and after a little time the problem comes back, so decided to open my task manager and have a look at what was taking SYSTEM MEMORY and noticed Google Chrome was using a fair bit (as it does, but i love it)..So i shut it down along with (a hd movie, email clients and all the other usual stuff i have running) and hit the "Run" button... It worked.... Restored various backups with nothing else running.. It worked...

So for me, it was system resources! i was also able to reproduce the problem by loading down my system with plenty of applications in memory.

EDIT - Following morning

This morning when i checked the project, it would "Run" fine with no problem, a "Make project" did produce the error and doing a simple "Rebuild project" resolved this again.. Possibly left over cache or something?..

STILL always relating to system memory

Even now i still get this fault, most times closing Google chrome does it, also the pages that are loaded in the browser do not have any Java running so i dont think it is a clash there either.


I dont think this applies at all, BUT just adding it as a consideration... If all else still fails, try relocating your project to another physical hard drive?? Not another partition..

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