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Unity Admob And Google Play Game Services Integration

I tried to integrate admob and Google Play Game Services in my game, but I have got a problem. I cannot build the game. Error in console: Error building Player: CommandInvokationFa

Solution 1:

The above resources you mentioned are old. Whereas now google has official support for AdMob on Unity game engine.

Get the official plugin here -

-Import the whole package. Modify your androidmanifest.xml to include the permission and activity name.

-Add the google-play-services_lib folder, located at /extras/google/google_play_services/libproject in your sdk, into the Plugins/Android folder of your project.

  • Code for basic banner to be included in your C# script:-

using GoogleMobileAds.Api;

// Create a 320x50 banner at the top of the screen.

BannerView bannerView = new BannerView("YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID", AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Top);

// Create an empty ad request.

AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();

// Load the banner with the request.


And you would be able to see Ads on the top of your level on which that particular script is attached.

Solution 2:

The above resources you mentioned are old. there is a new admob plugin for Unity game engine.

Get the new plugin here -

-Import the whole package. Modify your androidmanifest.xml to include the permission and activity name.

that is all your need to do

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