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Install Android Emulator Without Installing Android Studio

I just want to set android emulator without studio-ide and use it like a mobile and tweak it. I have downloaded command-line tools from

Solution 1:

I am answering my own question.

Where I made wrong is, decompressing to wrong directory and using wrong --sdk_root. As said in here, I have to create a dir called cmdline-tools and decompress in it. Now we will have another cmdline-tools dir. We have to rename it to the respective commandline tool version we are using. In my case it is 3.0.

Finally my script should be look like below.

mkdir -p ~/AndroidSDK/cmdline-tools
cd ~/AndroidSDK/cmdline-tools
wget -o
unzip -q
mv cmdline-tools 3.0
cd 3.0/bin
./sdkmanager --list --include_obsolete --verbose
./sdkmanager --verbose "emulator" "system-images;android-25;default;x86_64" "platforms;android-25" "platform-tools"
./sdkmanager --licenses
./avdmanager -v create avd -n Nougat -k "system-images;android-25;default;x86_64"
../../../emulator/emulator -avd Nougat

See for more info.

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