Java.lang.illegalargumentexception Illegal Character In Url
i want to request into web service my parameter like this urlString = http://ip/autodownload/andro.php?key=apps.apk|2|bla.bla.bla public void getRequest(String Url) { Toast.m
Solution 1:
Try encoding Your URL
String link="http://example.php?string1="+URLEncoder.encode(string1)+"&string2="+URLEncoder
Solution 2:
Check this
String myurltoencode = "http://ip/autodownload/andro.php?key=apps.apk|2|bla.bla.bla";
Solution 3:
In my case it was the variable that I was appending that caused the problem. It had an extra space (spaces). I trimmed it and the error went away. ""+someVariable.trim()
Solution 4:
This worked for me. Suppose you have illegal character inside your IP address. Then convert it into Base64 code and send to your server.
For example:
String ip_address = StaticClass.getIPAdress();
try {
// Sending side
byte[] data = ip_address.getBytes("UTF-8");
ip_address = Base64.encodeToString(data, Base64.DEFAULT);
} catch (Exception e) {
ip_address = "";
Write encode ip_address or any field you want inside your url. Decode the variables at your server. But i'm not sure if you are using :
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