Error In Making Call On Button Click Inside Listview
Solution 1:
you should declare the string number in get view method not outside it. change
final String number=currentStock.getNumber();
and delete the string(ie,number) from outside getview method
Solution 2:
You can't findout the problem that way. You have to debug
your getView
Do that by
1) double click on the first line of the method on the left of the outer frame to see a small point thay represents a breakpoint
2) Right click on the project and click Debug as Android application.
3) Using the button F6 (in Eclipse) start moving steps untill you find the specific line you code produce error.
4) Now when you know the line it's easier to find out what happened.
Solution 3:
attach the number to the view with setTag, then retrieve it in the click listener. you also don't need a new listener every time, define that once outside the function...
then in the onclick listener...
new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String number = (String) v.getTag();
String phoneCallUri = "tel:"+number;
Intent phoneCallIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
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