Android RelativeLayout And Height Of Wrap_content?
I am trying to make a selection ListActivity, similar to the one used to add shortcuts to the launcher screens. I have rolled my own header and footers, which I would like to be 's
Solution 1:
According to the developer documentation your desired behaviour is not possible for Relative layout ;
"Note that you cannot have a circular dependency between the size of the RelativeLayout and the position of its children. For example, you cannot have a RelativeLayout whose height is set to WRAP_CONTENT and a child set to ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM."
To solve your problem you could maybe try to use a linear layout, set to wrap_content and set max height via code to screen height.
You can get the screen height as described here : get screen height
Solution 2:
I just change my RelativeLayout in FrameLayout and all starts to work
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