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Android Emulator Launch Failed

This is the message I get on the console.I have tried to launch it a lot of times, same message. Thanks. [2014-02-07 15:44:08 - david] Performing t.t.Splash activity launch [2014-0

Solution 1:

Change your ADB connection time-out i think that is causing problem.

If you are using eclipse you can go to Window -> Preferences and then it is in DDMS under Android.

Window -> Preferences -> Android -> DDMS -> ADB Connection Timeout (ms)

By default it is 500ms change it to 10000ms.

For more information go here

Solution 2:

Got this off an Android forum where I asked the same question. Hope this helps somebody else.

On a terminal emulator on the phone:

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

Then on the cmd prompt, do the adb push

Solution 3:

This same thing just happened to me because I already had an emulator running. Make sure you don't already have an emulator running.

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